~ $ Python Reference

~$ This is an offline reference manual for learning Python. Within is reference materials for learning the necessary basics to get started in python. Portions excluded are for primarily server development. SyncThing takes care of the hosting, and this folder should be accessible from connected devices.

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Learn Hello World

~$ Hello World is a basic sanity test for all beginning programmers.

      print("Hello World")

Learn Addition

~$ Add variables to get a result.

      x = 5
      y = 3
      print(x + y)

Learn Subtraction

~$ Subtract variables to get a result.

      x = 5
      y = 3
      print(x - y)

Learn Multiplication

~$ Multiply variables to get a result.

      x = 5
      y = 3
      print(x * y)

Learn Division

~$ Divide variables to get a result.

      x = 5
      y = 3
      print(x / y)

Learn Exponents

~$ Expoentiate variables to get a result.

      x = 5
      y = 3
      print(x ** y)

Learn Modulus Arithmetic

~$ Modulus variables to get a result.

      x = 5
      y = 3
      print(x % y)

Learn Time

~$ Get the time in Python. There are two main ways to do this.

      from time import time, ctime
      t = time()

You can also instruct the system to get the date on your behalf. Will address system calls later.

      import os

Learn If Elif Else

~$ Python format for if, if else, and if elif else

      string = "Hello World"
      if string == "Hello World":
        print "And the world says hello back."

This approach is only good in a Python loop. You'll really need to use elif and else.

Approach One

      string = "Hello World"
      if string == "Hello World":
        print("String equals hello world.")
        print("String does not equal hello world.")

Approach Two

      string = "Hello World"
      if string == "Hello World":
        print("String equals hello world.")
      elif string == "Sandwhich King":
        print("String equals sandwhich king.")
        print("String does not equal hello world.")

Learn Methods

~$ Learn method formatting in Python. Methods can be grouped together into seperate methods, and methods within methods used for dynamic ones.

      def greeting():
        print("Hello World")
      g = greeting()

Learn Classes

~$ Classes can group sets of methods for specific objects. Classes are usually an onject, and a method refers to itself.

      # Classes are always objects
      class Person(object):
      # Methods are always things an object does. Refer to self.
      def greeting(self):
        print("Person: Hello World\n")
      # Call class and method.
      person = Person()

Learn File Writing

~$ Write python data to file.

      file = open("hello.txt", "w")
      file.write("Hello World")

Learn File Presence

~$ Write python data to file.

      # From Operating System Import File Path
      import os.path
      from os import path
      # Conditional for file checking
      if path.exists("hello.txt"):
        print("This file seems to be accounted for.")
        print("Be careful how you treat your files.")
        file = open("hello.txt", "w")
        file.write("Hello World")

Output Result To HTML Page

~$ Write python result to html page.

      import os
      file = open("output.html", "w")
      x = 5
      y = 3
      result = x * y
      print_result = str(result)

" + print_result + "


Compare this with the Ruby version:

      output = "Hello World"
      open("output.html", "w") { |f|

      system("w3m index.html")

Chatbots, AI, RuPtyhon

Learn Chatbots

~$ This is the basic format for a chatbot that asks your name and remembers it.

      # Import path from the OS.
      import os.path
      from os import path
      if path.exists("memory/your_name.txt"):
        bot_name = open("bot_identity/bot_name.txt", "r")
        bianca = bot_name.read().strip()

        name_file = open("memory/your_name.txt", "r")
        your_name = name_file.read()

        print(bianca + ": Welcome back " + your_name + ".")
        bot_name = open("bot_identity/bot_name.txt", "r")

        bianca = bot_name.read().strip()

        your_name = "Blank Slate: "

        name = input(bianca + ": What is your name? >> ")

        file = open("memory/your_name.txt", "w")


        print(bianca + ": Look forward to seeing your again " + name + ".")

This format is flexible enough, that one can quickly repurpose it into different subroutines.

Learn Auto Writing

~$ Automatically write certain subroutines. As this involves RuPython, tutorial will take some time.

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